Data Recovery Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse StepStone

Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs bei StepStone

Stellenangebot Data Recovery Job bei Atruvia AG Job vor 4 Tagen gefunden Atruvia AG

System Engineer SAP Jobsteuerung/ Managed Scheduling (m/w/d) COSSAP

• Karlsruhe, Münster Teilzeit Homeoffice möglich Abgeschlossenes Studium Betriebliche Altersvorsorge Sabbaticals 30+ Urlaubstage Arbeitszeitkonto Vermögenswirksame Leistungen Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] Gruppe und vereinen jahrzehntelange Banking- Expertise mit moderner Informationstechnologie. Die speziell auf Banken zugeschnittenen IT- Lösungen und Leistungen reichen vom Rechenzentrumsbetrieb uber das Bankverfahren agree21 bis hin zur App- Entwicklung. Dabei nutzen wir zukunftsweisende Technologien wie kunstliche Intelligenz oder Smart Data und schreiben Prozessoptimierung und Regulatorik groß. Wir haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt, innovative digitale Banking- und Near- Banking- Erlebnisse fur [...] mit vielfältigen Schnittstellen zusammen. Beachte: Für diese Aufgabe ist Schicht-/ Rufbereitschaft erforderlich. Aufgaben mit Perspektiven Du bist im Team gemeinsam mit Kolleginnen verantwortlich für die Sicherstellung von SAP Managed Scheduling mit der Automic Software. Du übernimmst eigenverantwortlich Back- up und Recovery von SAP Systemen auf Red Hat Enterprise Linux und den Datenbanken HANA, Oracle, DB2. Du designst und implementierst Filetransfer- Abläufe [...]
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Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Stellen-Online

Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs bei Stellen-Online

Job vor 3 Tagen gefunden Medizinischer Dienst Niedersachsen KdöR System Engineer Storage/ Backup/ Restore (m/w/d) - Homeoffice, Vollzeit • 30159, Hannover Homeoffice möglich Flexible Arbeitszeiten Jobticket Tarifvertrag Vermögenswirksame Leistungen Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] Storage- und Backup- Infrastruktur sicher und optimierst die Datenverfügbarkeit,- validität sowie- integrität. Du entscheidest, welche Lösungen in hybriden Datacenter- Umgebungen überzeugen, optimierst sie und sorgst für reibungslose Cloud- und On- Premise- Integration. Du erstellst, verwaltest und testest Sicherungs- sowie Desaster- Recovery- Pläne und führst regelmäßige Wiederherstellungstests zur Optimierung der Backup- Strategien durch. Deine agile Arbeitsweise sowohl in der Kapazitätsplanung als auch [...] Block- und Object- Storage (z. B. SEP sesam) sowie im Umgang mit Linux- und Microsoft- Server- Betriebssystemen. Fundierte Erfahrung in der Administration und Konfiguration branchenüblicher Tools und Produkte (u. a. Net App, Veeam, Arcserve, HDS HUS, EMC, HPE MSA, Oracle, Data Core) . Expertise in der Moderation und Präsentation sowie im Projekt- und Prozessmanagement. Verhandlungssichere Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse, gepaart mit [...]
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Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs bei

Stellenangebot Data Recovery Job bei Speira GmbH Job vor 4 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH

Head of Alloy Development, Recycling and Casting Technical Expert (m/f/d)

• Bonn Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
Alle Recycling Stellenangebote anzeigen
Stellenangebot Data Recovery Job bei Speira GmbH Job vor 4 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH Head of Alloy Development- Recycling Casting (m/f/d) • Bonn Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
Stellenangebot Data Recovery Job bei Speira GmbH Job vor 4 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH

Lead Engineer Alloy Development (m/f/d)

• Bonn Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
Stellenangebot Data Recovery Job bei Speira GmbH Job vor 5 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH Head of Alloy Development Casting (m/f/d) • Bonn Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
Stellenangebot Data Recovery Job bei Speira GmbH Job vor 5 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH

Head of Alloy Development, Recycling and Casting (m/f/d)

• Bonn Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
Alle Casting Stellenangebote anzeigen
Stellenangebot Data Recovery Job bei Speira GmbH Job vor 5 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH Head of Material Science- Alloy Development (m/f/d) • Bonn Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
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Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse

Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs bei

Job vor 3 Tagen gefunden Medizinischer Dienst Niedersachsen KdöR

System Engineer Storage/ Backup/ Restore (m/w/d)

• 30, Hannover Homeoffice möglich Flexible Arbeitszeiten Jobticket Tarifvertrag Vermögenswirksame Leistungen Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] Infra struktur sicher und optimierst die Daten verfüg barkeit,- validität sowie- integrität. Du entscheidest, welche Lösungen in hybriden Datacenter- Umgebungen überzeugen, optimierst sie und sorgst für reibungslose Cloud- und On- Premise- Integration. Du erstellst, verwaltest und testest Sicherungs- sowie Desaster- Recovery- Pläne und führst regelmäßige Wiederherstellungstests zur Optimierung der Backup- Strategien durch. Deine agile Arbeitsweise sowohl in der Kapazitäts planung als [...] Block- und Object- Storage (z. B. SEP sesam) sowie im Umgang mit Linux- und Microsoft- Server- Betriebssystemen. Fundierte Erfahrung in der Administration und Konfiguration branchenüblicher Tools und Produkte (u. a. Net App, Veeam, Arcserve, HDS HUS, EMC, HPE MSA, Oracle, Data Core) . Expertise in der Moderation und Präsentation sowie im Projekt- und Prozessmanagement. Verhandlungssichere Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse, gepaart mit [...]
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Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse JobMESH

Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs bei JobMESH

Stellenangebot Data Recovery Job bei Speira GmbH Job vor 3 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH Head of Alloy Development- Recycling Casting (m/f/d) • North Rhine- Westphalia Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
Stellenangebot Data Recovery Job bei Speira GmbH Job vor 3 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH Lead Engineer Alloy Development (m/f/d) • North Rhine- Westphalia Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
Stellenangebot Data Recovery Job bei Speira GmbH Job vor 3 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH Head of Alloy Development, Recycling and Casting Technical Expert (m/f/d) • North Rhine- Westphalia Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
Job vor 3 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH

Head of Material Science- Alloy Development (m/f/d)

• North Rhine- Westphalia Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
Job vor 3 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH Head of Alloy Development, Recycling and Casting (m/f/d) • North Rhine- Westphalia Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
Job vor 3 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH

Head of Alloy Development Casting (m/f/d)

• North Rhine- Westphalia Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
Job vor 3 Tagen gefunden Speira GmbH Head of Alloy Development, Recycling Casting (m/f/d) • North Rhine- Westphalia Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] specific processes, for those alloys, and support widening the alloy specification. developing and implementing melt purification techniques, to allow to buy dirtier scraps. Scrap management within our production and advising plants on how to evaluate and handle scrap to optimise recovery. Support the production process with technical advice in melting and casting. Develop and support industrialization of technologies that use alternative [...] position ideally related to the topic of alloy development. Ability to develop people, process and strategies and communicate depending on the stakeholder. Project management and communication skills. Strong organizational, analytical and problem- solving skills would be valued knowledge in statistical data evaluation. Very good knowledge of the metallurgy of aluminum and aluminum alloys: microstructure, alloying additions and mechanical properties and link [...]
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Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse

Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs bei

Job vom 26.01.2025 KÜS DATA GmbH

MS SQL Server- und Datenspezialist (m/w/d)

• 66679, Losheim am See, Deutschland Abgeschlossenes Studium Flexible Arbeitszeiten Betriebliche Altersvorsorge Vermögenswirksame Leistungen
MEHRIm Unternehmensverbund der KÜS betreibt die KÜS DATA GmbH als eigenständiges Unternehmen in Losheim am See im nördlichen Saarland eines der modernsten Hochsicherheits- und Hochleistungsrechenzentren im Südwesten. Der [...] Wartung von MS SQL Server- Instanzen in Entwicklungs- und Produktionsumgebungen Entwurf und Implementierung von Datenbankschemata und- architekturen Entwicklung und Optimierung von T- SQL- Skripten und gespeicherten Prozeduren Fehlersuche und Behebung von Datenbankleistungsproblemen Implementierung und Verwaltung von Datenbanksicherheits- , Backup- und Recovery- Prozessen Zusammenarbeit mit der Softwareentwicklung und allen Anwendern, um sicherzustellen, dass die Datenbankstruktur die Anforderungen der Anwendungen erfüllt Reporting Tools [...]
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Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Jobware

Stellenangebote Data Recovery Jobs bei Jobware

Job vor 2 Tagen gefunden SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH Datenbankadministrator/ Database Administrator- Oracle/ SQL (m/w/d) • Deutschland Abgeschlossenes Studium Abgeschlossene Ausbildung
MEHR[...] gemeinsam die IT von Morgen gestaltenZur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir aktuell an einem unserer Standorte deutschlandweit einen Datenbankadministrator für Oracle Microsoft- SQL- Server (m/w/d) . Ihre Aufgaben Installation und Administration von Oracle- und Microsoft- SQL- Server- Datenbanken Backup und Recovery der Oracle und Microsoft- SQL- Server- Datenbanken Monitoring und PerformanceanalysenÜbernahme regelmäßiger Wartungsarbeiten (Patches, Updates) Troubleshooting im Second- und Third- Level [...] mit entsprechenden Fachkenntnissen sind herzlich willkommen Sehr gute Kenntnisse in der Administration von Oracle- Datenbanken ab der Version 11g, sowohl klassische Architektur als auch Multi- Tenant Gute Kenntnisse in den folgenden Bereichen:Oracle Recovery Manager (Backup, Recovery, Duplicate) Oracle- Hochverfügbarkeitslösungen wie Data Guard oder Real Application Cluster Erweiterte Kenntnisse in der Administration von Microsoft- SQL- Server ab der Version 2012 (Standalone Instanzen, [...]
Alle SQL Stellenangebote anzeigen
Job vom 28.01.2025 operational services GmbH Co. KG

Senior Database Engineer (m/w/d) - 992024033BPA

Abgeschlossene Ausbildung 30+ Urlaubstage Beteiligungsprogramm Vermögenswirksame Leistungen
MEHR[...] (5 Jahre) in der Administration von Datenbanksystemen (ORACLE, MS- SQL, PostgreSQL und MySQL/ Mariadb) Erfahrungen im Bereich Bereitstellung und Betrieb von Datenbanken und der dazu notwendigen Infrastruktur Erfahrung in der Unterstützung der Applikationsverantwortlichen beim Design und Performanceoptimierung Erfahrung mit Backup/ Recovery (Oracle RMAN, Snapshots) und Replikationen (Oracle Dataguard, PostgreSQL) Sehr gute Kenntnisse der Betriebssysteme SuSE LINUX und Windows 2016 und auch des Storagesystems Net App (Ontap, Data Protection) Scripting in Shell und SQL Teilnahme am Rufbereitschaftsdienst Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse Unsere Benefits Mobiles Arbeiten Gehaltspaket Erfolgs- [...]
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