Electron Microscopy LAB Technician Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote Electron Microscopy Lab Technician Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Neuvoo

Stellenangebote Electron Microscopy Lab Technician Jobs bei Neuvoo

Job vor 6 Tagen gefunden ISTA- Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Research Technician with focus on Structure and Function of Synapses Jonas group (m/w/d)

• Klosterneuburg, AT
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 3426,-
MEHRResearch Technician with focus on Structure and Function of Synapses- Jonas group Part Time (25 h/ w) Klosterneuburg near Vienna, Austria EUR [...] transmission and plasticity at cortical synapses. Second, we want to analyze how synaptic properties shape higher- order computations in the brain. To address these questions, we use multiple- cell recording, subcellular patch- clamp techniques, Ca2+ imaging, cutting- edge light and electron microscopy, molecular biology, and computational modeling. We are looking for a Research Technician to support the group in these ambitious research [...] microscopy Generation of molecular biology tools, such as adeno- associated viruses for circuit mapping Support for electrophysiology experiments, including preparation of solutions and brain slices General laboratory support and organization Mediating interactions with our Scientific Service Units (e. g. , Lab Support Facility, Imaging and Optics Facility, Electron Microscopy Facility, Virus Services) Being part of an interactive group of students, postdocs, [...]
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Stellenangebote Electron Microscopy Lab Technician Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Neuvoo

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Stellenangebot Electron Microscopy Lab Technician Job bei Universität Hamburg Job vor 3 Tagen gefunden Universität Hamburg

Cleanroom assistant/ Lab technician for the fabrication of micro devices for structural molecular biology

• Hamburg Work-Life-Balance
MEHREducation . Cleanroom assistant/ Lab technician for the fabrication of micro devices for structural molecular biology Institution Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of [...] are seeking a lab assistant/ technician to support a BMBF research project by making microdevices in our cleanroom. The tasks cover the entire range of activities in the cleanroom related to sample fabrication, as well as characterization by optical and electron microscopy. Tasks associated to the project include: fabrication of devices in the cleanroomhelp in the optimization of micro and nanofabrication processessupport [...]
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Dauer: 0,1752 s., Vers. V.2025-a-2004-Ind