Freshwater Ecology Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote Freshwater Ecology Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Jobleads

Stellenangebote Freshwater Ecology Jobs bei Jobleads

Job vom 20.12.2024

Tenure track group leader position freshwater ecosystem modelling (f/m/x)

• Berlin Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen
MEHRThe Department of Community and Ecosystem Ecology of the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) in Berlin invites applications for the position of a tenure track group leader with expertise in [...]
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Job vom 06.12.2024 Group leader position in ecohydrological modelling of connected terrestrial- aquatic ecosystems. . . • Berlin Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen
MEHRThe Department of Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry of the Leibniz- Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) Berlin invites applications for a tenure track group leader position in ecohydrological modelling of connected terrestrial- [...]
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Job vom 07.11.2024

PhD position in Disease Evolutionary Ecology (m/f/d)

• Stadthagen, Niedersachsen
MEHR[...] underpinning microbial community dynamics, virulence, and host specificity of pathogens targeting both beneficial and detrimental algae. Our overarching goal is to pioneer novel strategies for disease management in seaweeds and combatting harmful algal blooms. Situated at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) in Berlin, the doctoral project within PHABB aims to unlock the mysteries surrounding harmful algal bloom [...]
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Job vom 07.11.2024 Ecohydrologist (m/f/d) • Berlin
MEHRThe research group Landscape Ecohydrology , led by Prof. Doerthe Tetzlaff, in the Department of Ecohydrology Biogeochemistry of IGB (Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries) in Berlin is inviting applications for the position of a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (24 months, fulltime with [...]
Job vom 07.11.2024

Postdoctoral Research Fellow: Ecohydrologist, Berlin, Germany

• Berlin
MEHRPostdoctoral Research Fellow: Ecohydrologist: The Department of Ecohydrology Biogeochemistry at the Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) in Berlin, under the leadership of Prof. Doerthe Tetzlaff, is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for [...]
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Job vom 07.11.2024 Tenure track group leader position (f/m/x) in Fish Movement Ecology • Berlin Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen
MEHRThe Department of Fish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture led by Prof. Dr. Jens Krause at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB, www. igb- berlin. de ) in Berlin invites applications for a tenure track group leader position [...]
Job vom 07.11.2024

Tenure track group leader position (f/m/x) in Fish Ecophysiology

• Berlin Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen
MEHRThe Department of Fish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture led by Prof. Dr. Jens Krause at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB, www. igb- berlin. de ) in Berlin invites applications for a tenure track group leader position [...]
Job vor 4 Tagen gefunden 2 Postdoctoral Researchers (Ecologists) (m/f/d) Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung • Frankfurt, Hesse
MEHR[...] of biodiversity, Earth system analysis, and climate change. Following its mission to analyze and document biodiversity in Earth system dynamics to serve science and society, Senckenberg stands for curiosity- driven and application- oriented collections- based research. The Department of River Ecology and Conservation at Senckenberg, in cooperation with the Faculty of Biology at the University of Duisburg- Essen, jointly invite applications [...] with a background in community ecology, macroecology, metacommunities, and/ or analysis of ecological time series. The applicant should have a strong track record of scientific publications. Over the past years, we have compiled one of the most comprehensive marine and freshwater biodiversity time series across Europe, including macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, algae, fish, and plankton from approx. 25, 000 sampling locations and 25 [...]
Job vom 07.11.2024

Postdoctoral Researcher (Ecologist) Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung

MEHR[...] with historic charm in the region of Frankfurt. Following its mission to analyze and document biodiversity in earth system dynamics to serve science and society, Senckenberg stands for curiosity- driven and application- oriented collections- based research. The Department of River Ecology and Conservation at Senckenberg, in cooperation with the Faculty of Biology at the University of Duisburg- Essen, jointly invite applications [...] with a background in community ecology, macroecology, metacommunities, and/ or analysis of ecological time series. The applicant should have a strong track record of scientific publications. Over the past years, we have compiled one of the most comprehensive marine and freshwater biodiversity time series across Europe, including macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, algae, fish, and plankton from approx. 25, 000 sampling locations and 25 [...]
Job vom 07.11.2024 IT application developer or technical data analyst (m/f/x) • Stadthagen, Niedersachsen
MEHR[...] the Department of Fish Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture of IGB in Berlin- Friedrichshagen at Lake Müggelsee we are inviting applications for the position of IT application developer or technical data analyst for an immediate start. We conduct research in fish ecology and evolution and share scientific knowledge with practitioners and the public in addition to the scientific community. Our projects involve [...] phone (+49 30 64181- 610) or by e- mail ( jens. krause igb- berlin. de ) . Research for the future of our freshwaters is the mission of IGB Germany s largest and one of the leading international centres for freshwater research. In order to investigate different aspects of freshwater ecosystems, their biota and societal relevance, we unite a wide range [...]
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Stellenangebote Freshwater Ecology Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Neuvoo

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Stellenangebot Freshwater Ecology Job bei Leibniz- Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei Job vor 2 Tagen gefunden Leibniz- Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei

Postdoc position in aquatic microbial ecology (fixed- term for 36 months)

• Stechlin, Brandenburg
MEHRPostdoc position in aquatic microbial ecology (fixed- term for 36 months) at Leibniz- Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei softgarden View job here Postdoc position in aquatic [...] can be directed by email to Hans- Peter Grossart ( hanspeter. grossart igb- berlin. de ) . Research for the future of our freshwaters is the mission of IGB Germany s largest and one of the leading international centres for freshwater research. In order to investigate different aspects of freshwater ecosystems, their biota and societal relevance, we unit a wide range [...]
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Stellenangebot Freshwater Ecology Job bei SENCKENBERG GESELLSCHAFT Job vom 14.08.2024 SENCKENBERG GESELLSCHAFT Ref. #04- 24003 2 Postdoctoral Researchers (Ecologissts (m/f/d) • Gelnhausen, Hesse
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 4333,-
MEHR[...] fields of biodiversity, Earth system analysis and climate change. Following its mission to analyze and document biodiversity in Earth system dynamics to serve science and society Senckenberg stands for curiosity- driven and application- oriented collectionsbased research. The Department of River Ecology and Conservation at Senckenberg in cooperation with the Faculty of Biology at the University of Duisburg- Essen jointly invite applications [...] ecologists (m/f/d) with a background in community ecology, macroecology, metacommunities, and/ or analysis of ecological time series. The applicant should have a strong track record of scientific the past years, we have compiled one of the most comprehensive marine and freshwater biodiversity time series across Europe including macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, algae, fish and plankton from approx. 25, 000 sampling locations and 25 [...]
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