Garden Designer Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote Garden Designer Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Jobleads

Stellenangebote Garden Designer Jobs bei Jobleads

Job vom 13.08.2024


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MEHR[...] the Kite is making its way in the festival circuit. It s been screened at and won several awards at various festivals around the world such as the Richmond International Film Festival, Maryland International Film Festival, Kansas City Film Fest, Garden State Film Festival, Soma Film festival, Oniros Film Awards, L. A. Shorts Awards, New Filmmakers New York, Hollywood International Moving [...] artists in the industry. For Kudeta, Khurniawan was fortunate enough to work with Hartanto and explore the world of modern fashion. He was also able to work with other designers and film enthusiasts on set. For instance, Kudeta s production designer, Indrianty Lihardinata was humbled by the experience of working with Khurniawan for the film. Most artists who work with him [...]
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Job vor 11 Tagen gefunden Ephema Labs

Freelance Web Designer

• Berlin Freiberuflich
MEHRIT . Are you interested to contribute to an early stage venture creating human experiences at the intersection of cutting edge technology, humanity and nature? We are looking for a freelance designer whos deeply interested in latest technological developments (AI, blockchain, neuroscience, etc. ) and passionate to contribute to a new generation [...] encompassing theory and practice. We work together with leading ecosystem partners such as Ethereum Foundation and Uniswap- Arbitrum Foundation. Further, we organize events for thought- leaders in the web3 and AI community. Most recently we organized Zu Berlin and Zu Garden in Thailand. 31422897 [...]
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Dauer: 0,2862 s., Vers. V.2025-a-2005-Ind