Investigative Researcher Stellenangebote

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3 Stellenangebote

Stellenangebote Investigative Researcher Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Jobleads

Stellenangebote Investigative Researcher Jobs bei Jobleads

Job vor 11 Tagen gefunden

Head of Research

• Altenholz, Schleswig- Holstein Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen
MEHR[...] develop the annual selection process of Laureates towards the goals defined in the organisational strategy and operational plan. Provide leadership to the research team, manage and guide the research work, and be responsible for the research budget. Coordinate and conduct investigative research about nominees for the Award, both remote and on- site, and lead the writing of the report presented to [...] skilled in time management and know how to delegate within a team. In your research work, you are investigative, challenging and analytical, yet maintain a self- critical distance and are able to present a balanced full picture . As a researcher, you are a generalist interested in multiple topics connected to the work. You possess strong interpersonal skills and effectively navigate [...]
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Job vom 21.12.2024

Researcher/ Associate Consultant m/w/d

• Berlin Beratungs-/ Consultingtätigkeiten
MEHR[...] inquisitive individual keen to investigate, evaluate and interpret both open source and human intelligence information in the context of due diligence and strategic corporate intelligence. You will be a proactive team player, able to maintain a positive attitude under pressure. Investigative case management Research a range of corporate intelligence and compliance projects including due diligence, business intelligence, market entry studies, problem [...]
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Stellenangebote Investigative Researcher Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Neuvoo

Stellenangebote Investigative Researcher Jobs bei Neuvoo

Stellenangebot Investigative Researcher Job bei Control Risks Job vom 17.12.2024 Control Risks Researcher/ Associate Consultant m/w/d • Berlin Beratungs-/ Consultingtätigkeiten
MEHR[...] inquisitive individual keen to investigate, evaluate and interpret both open source and human intelligence information in the context of due diligence and strategic corporate intelligence. You will be a proactive team player, able to maintain a positive attitude under pressure. Investigative case management Research a range of corporate intelligence and compliance projects including due diligence, business intelligence, market entry studies, problem [...]
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