Literature Scholar Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote Literature Scholar Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Neuvoo

Stellenangebote Literature Scholar Jobs bei Neuvoo

Job vom 20.11.2024 University of Maryland Global Campus

German Language, Wiesbaden, The Undergraduate School- Adjunct Faculty

• Wiesbaden, Hesse
MEHREducation . Adjunct Faculty German Language The Undergraduate SchoolUMGC Europe University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) seeks adjunct faculty to teach on- site in Germany for the German Language program. Required Education and Experience:Masters degree in German Literature and Language or related field from an accredited institution of higher learning. Professional experience with the German Literature and Language [...] and are committed to this service. The Adjunct Faculty Role at UMGC UMGC is committed to helping students achieve success not only with us, but also in their professional fields. As a result, we actively seek faculty members who are scholar- practitioners: professionals who are actively and successfully engaged in their field who additionally wish to help the next generation of [...]
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Job vom 20.11.2024 University of Maryland Global Campus

German Language, Stuttgart, The Undergraduate School- Adjunct Faculty

• Böblingen, Baden- Württemberg
MEHREducation . Adjunct Faculty German Language The Undergraduate SchoolUMGC Europe University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) seeks adjunct faculty to teach on- site in Germany for the German Language program. Required Education and Experience:Masters degree in German Literature and Language or related field from an accredited institution of higher learning. Professional experience with the German Literature and Language [...] and are committed to this service. The Adjunct Faculty Role at UMGC UMGC is committed to helping students achieve success not only with us, but also in their professional fields. As a result, we actively seek faculty members who are scholar- practitioners: professionals who are actively and successfully engaged in their field who additionally wish to help the next generation of [...]
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Dauer: 0,15 s., Vers. V.2025-a-2005-Ind