Rope Access Specialist Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote Rope Access Specialist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse NewScientist Jobs

Stellenangebote Rope Access Specialist Jobs bei NewScientist Jobs

Job vor 6 Tagen gefunden RSK Group

Engineering Geologist

• United Kingdom
MEHR[...] of work that CAN undertakes is the stabilisation of rock and soil slopes. The role will be office/ home based, but with a significant amount of work undertaking inspections and site visits. The candidate must be willing to undertake IRATA rope-access training and inspections. Key Responsibilities: Inspection of rock faces, slopes and retaining walls both on foot and using ropes with [...] #geotechnical #engineering #rskfamily RSK will not accept unsolicited CVs from agencies other than RSK PSL or Secondary agencies. About Us CAN Engineering is a UK- based geotechnical engineering and access contractor. We undertake large- scale ground stabilisation and specialist access projects. Our geotechnical engineering division is involved with undertaking soil slope and rock face stabilisation work, installing rockfall protection [...]
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