Senior Scientist Stellenangebote

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690 Stellenangebote

Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse StepStone

Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs bei StepStone

Job gestern gefunden Max- Planck- Institut für Biophysik

Senior Scientist for the Proteomics Facility (m/f/d)

• Frankfurt am Main
MEHR[...] and establish new methods and instruments. More information about our work and the wide range of instruments in the joint lab can be found online. For our team running the central facility for mass spectrometry, we are looking for a Senior Scientist for the Proteomics Facility (m/f/d) This is a full- time position, starting as soon as possible and initially limited to [...]
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Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse

Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs bei

Stellenangebot Senior Scientist Job bei Abb Vie Deutschland GmbH Co. KG Job gestern gefunden Abb Vie Deutschland GmbH Co. KG Senior Scientist (all genders) Product Development Science Technology- Global Material and Parenteral Packaging (permanent/ full- or part- time)
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 0,-
MEHR[...] offers opportunities of developing and increasing your own skills? Youve come to the right place Moving mountains together- asSenior Scientist (all genders) Product Development Science Technology- Global Material and Parenteral Packaging (permanent/ full- or part- time) We are seeking a Senior Scientist to support the Global Material and Parenteral Packaging Science team within Product Development Science Technology (PDS T) . Direct project [...]
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Stellenangebot Senior Scientist Job bei Abb Vie Deutschland GmbH Co. KG Job gestern gefunden Abb Vie Deutschland GmbH Co. KG

Senior Scientist (all genders) Product Development Science Technology- Global Material and Parenteral Packaging (permanent/ full- or part- time)

• Karlsruhe
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 0,-
MEHR[...] offers opportunities of developing and increasing your own skills? Youve come to the right place Moving mountains together- asSenior Scientist (all genders) Product Development Science Technology- Global Material and Parenteral Packaging (permanent/ full- or part- time) We are seeking a Senior Scientist to support the Global Material and Parenteral Packaging Science team within Product Development Science Technology (PDS T) . Direct project [...]
Stellenangebot Senior Scientist Job bei Forschungszentrum Jülich Job vor 2 Tagen gefunden Forschungszentrum Jülich Post Doc/ Senior Scientist/ Group Leader: AI- Driven Data Mining for the Physical Sciences- Inklusiver Job • Cologne
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 0,-
Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen
MEHRJoin our team to the next possible date as Post Doc/ Senior Scientist/ Group Leader: AI- Driven Data Mining for the Physical Sciences The Institute for Advanced Simulation- Materials Data Science and Informatics [...]
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Stellenangebot Senior Scientist Job bei AfB gemeinnützige GmbH Job vor 2 Tagen gefunden AfB gemeinnützige GmbH

Senior Business Intelligent Specialist Data Scientist (m/w/d) - Inklusiver Job

• Karlsruhe
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 0,-
Abgeschlossenes Studium Flexible Arbeitszeiten 30+ Urlaubstage
MEHREinblick zur Stelle Werden Sie Teil unseres großartigen Teams und verstärken uns- gerne ab sofort- an unserem Standort in Ettlingen. Ihre Aufgaben Stetige Weiterentwicklung, Pflege und Verbesserung unserer BI Datenbank- Architektur Mittelfristige Übernahme der fachlichen und disziplinarischen Führung eines kleinen Teams Erstellung und Aufbereitung [...]
Stellenangebot Senior Scientist Job bei Riverty Job vor 2 Tagen gefunden Riverty Senior Data Scientist (m/f/d) - Inklusiver Job
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 4506,-
MEHRWe are looking for support as an Senior Data Scientist (m/f/d) (unlimited, full- time) Join our team at our location inBerlin, Verl and Oslo flexible working conditions available Are you [...]
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Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse

Weitere Stellenangebote Senior Scientist bei

Stellenangebot Senior Scientist Job bei BASF Digital Solutions GmbH Job gestern gefunden BASF Digital Solutions GmbH

Senior Computer Scientist- Quality Assurance and Control (m/f/d)

• Karlsruhe
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 0,-
MEHRWELCOME TO BASF We as Global Digital Services enable BASFs digitalization. In agile teams, we develop innovative digital solutions for BASF and its customers, create new exciting customer experiences and business growth, and drive efficiencies in processes. We provide IT that works and offer know- how and access to latest technologies in the areas [...]
Alle Control Stellenangebote anzeigen
Stellenangebot Senior Scientist Job bei BASF Digital Solutions GmbH Job gestern gefunden BASF Digital Solutions GmbH Computer Scientist as Senior Specialist Digitalization (m/f/d) • Karlsruhe
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 0,-
MEHRWELCOME TO BASF We as Global Digital Services enable BASFs digitalization. In agile teams, we develop innovative digital solutions for BASF and its customers, create new exciting customer experiences and business growth, and drive efficiencies in processes. We provide IT that works and offer know- how and access to latest technologies in the areas [...]
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Stellenangebot Senior Scientist Job bei BASF SE Job gestern gefunden BASF SE

(Senior- ) Data Scientist:in Digital Transformation (m/w/d)

• Karlsruhe
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 0,-
MEHRWILLKOMMEN BEI UNS Das European Site Verbund Management entwickelt die großen, europäischen Standorte der BASF stetig weiter und sichert damit deren Wettbewerbsfähigkeit: Wir managen an den Standorten die perfekte Verzahnung von Infrastruktur, Betriebsservices, Personalservices und Logistik mit der Produktion. Damit sichern wir die Grundversorgung [...]
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Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse

Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs bei

Stellenangebot Senior Scientist Job bei PAUL HARTMANN AG Job gestern gefunden PAUL HARTMANN AG Computer Scientist as Senior Manager AI Data Analytics (f/m/d) • Stuttgart, BW
MEHRResponsibilities: Business Process Optimization: Lead the design and implementation of AI and data analytics solutions to optimize key internal business processes, including supply chain management, inventory, procurement, financial reporting, and HR processes. Solution Design Architecture: Develop and architect end- to- end solutions for automatin [...]
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Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse JobMESH

Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs bei JobMESH

Stellenangebot Senior Scientist Job bei PAUL HARTMANN AG Neu Job heute gefunden PAUL HARTMANN AG

Computer Scientist as Senior IT Manager Digital Cloud Platform (f/m/d)

• Baden- Württemberg
MEHRAre you driven by implementing innovative solutions rather than dreaming them up? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you to join our team as a Senior Manager Global Digital Cloud Platform. We are dedicated to revolutionizing digital solutions in the healthcare sector. With a clear focus [...]
Job vom 04.01.2025 PAUL HARTMANN AG Computer Scientist as Senior Manager AI Data Analytics (f/m/d) • Baden- Württemberg
MEHRResponsibilities: Business Process Optimization: Lead the design and implementation of AI and data analytics solutions to optimize key internal business processes, including supply chain management, inventory, procurement, financial reporting, and HR processes. Solution Design Architecture: Develop and architect end- to- end solutions for automatin [...]
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Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse

Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs bei

Job vom 21.01.2025 HUK- COBURG Versicherungsgruppe

Senior Scientist Machine Learning Risikomodellierung und Pricing (w/m/d)

• 96450, Coburg, Deutschland Abgeschlossenes Studium
MEHR[...] innovative Versicherungsprodukte zu entwickeln. Werde Teil unserer großen Data- Community, entwickle gemeinsam mit vielen weiteren, erfahrenen Datenspezialist:innen praxisnahe Machine- Learning- Anwendungen und gestalte so den durch Daten, Machine Learning und KI getriebenen Wandel bei einem der größten Versicherer Deutschlands mit. Senior Scientist Machine Learning Risikomodellierung und Pricing (w/m/d) Vollzeit, ab sofort in Coburg, unbefristet Darauf kannst du dich freuen Konzeption, Entwicklung, Implementierung [...]
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Job vom 21.01.2025 HUK- COBURG Versicherungsgruppe Senior Scientist Machine Learning Causal Machine Learning (w/m/d) • 96450, Coburg, Deutschland Abgeschlossenes Studium
MEHR[...] innovative Versicherungsprodukte zu entwickeln. Werde Teil unserer großen Data- Community, entwickle gemeinsam mit vielen weiteren, erfahrenen Datenspezialist:innen praxisnahe Machine- Learning- Anwendungen und gestalte so den durch Daten, Machine Learning und KI getriebenen Wandel bei einem der größten Versicherer Deutschlands mit. Senior Scientist Machine Learning Causal Machine Learning (w/m/d) Vollzeit, ab sofort in Coburg, unbefristet Darauf kannst du dich freuen Konzeption, Entwicklung, Implementierung [...]
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Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs bei

Job vom 25.01.2025 Mediengruppe Oberfranken

Senior Data Scientist (m/w/d)

• 96050, Bamberg, Deutschland Abgeschlossenes Studium Flexible Arbeitszeiten
MEHR[...] 1) 0, rgba (255, 0, 0, 1) 30) ; padding: 10px 22px 10px 22px; media screen and (max- width: 600px) #fl- jobwrapper header h2, #fl- jobwrapper header h3 margin: 0 auto; #fl- jobwrapper footer div position: static; Senior Data Scientist (m/w/d) am Standort Bamberg Mit mehr als 50 Einzelmarken bietet die Mediengruppe Oberfranken ein crossmediales, nutzenorientiertes Angebot für Geschäfts- und [...]
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Stellenangebote Senior Scientist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse

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Job vor 2 Tagen gefunden BASF SE Computer Scientist as Senior Game Theory Expert (m/f/d) • Karlsruhe
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 0,-
MEHRWELCOME TO BASF The Global Procurement division is responsible for BASFs purchasing activities worldwide. We negotiate contracts that provide BASF with tangible added value. Our focus is on the procurement of raw materials, technical goods and services as well as logistics solutions. Our comprehensive market know- how and deep understanding of valu [...]
Job vor 2 Tagen gefunden BASF SE

(Senior) Regulatory Scientist Aquatic Ecotoxicology (m/f/d)

Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 0,-
MEHR[...] with the simultaneous binding promise of permanent employment in the new company. In our Global Ecotoxicology unit, you join a highly dedicated, international and passionate team and work on diverse aspects of Regulatory Ecotoxicology with focus on aquatic organisms. As (Senior) Regulatory Scientist, you develop, communicate and implement scientific strategies and defend these in front of internal and external stakeholders. Furthermore, you plan, [...]
Job vor 2 Tagen gefunden BASF SE (Senior) Aquatic Ecotoxicologist/ Regulatory Scientist (m/f/d)
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 0,-
MEHR[...] with the simultaneous binding promise of permanent employment in the new company. In our Global Ecotoxicology unit, you join a highly dedicated, international and passionate team and work on diverse aspects of Regulatory Ecotoxicology with focus on aquatic organisms. As (Senior) Regulatory Scientist, you develop, communicate and implement scientific strategies and defend these in front of internal and external stakeholders. Furthermore, you plan, [...]
Job vor 12 Tagen gefunden BASF Coatings GmbH

Environmental Scientist as Senior Expert Life Cycle Assessment (m/f/d)

• Münster
Vergütung / Gehalt: EUR 0,-
MEHRWELCOME TO BASF In the Coatings Division, we are focused on the development, production and marketing of a variety of coating solutions- from applied surface technologies to automotive paints. Working in global teams, we promote innovation, design and new applications in order to meet our partners needs. This portfolio is complemented by Beyond Pai [...]
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Fragen & Antworten
Wieviel verdient man als Senior Scientist pro Jahr?
Als Senior Scientist verdient man zwischen EUR 60.000,- bis EUR 100.000,-.

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Dauer: 0,4039 s., Vers. V.2025-a-2004-Ind