Software Deployment Specialist Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote Software Deployment Specialist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse StepStone

Stellenangebote Software Deployment Specialist Jobs bei StepStone

Job vor 4 Tagen gefunden Freie Universität Berlin

Educational Technologies Specialist: Konzeption, Systemarchitektur, Beratung (m/w/d)

Berlin Beratungs-/ Consultingtätigkeiten Homeoffice möglich Abgeschlossenes Studium Flexible Arbeitszeiten Betriebliche Altersvorsorge 30+ Urlaubstage
MEHRFUB- IT Abt. Lehre, Studium, Forschung, Bereich Web Development Web Services Educational Technologies Specialist: Konzeption, Systemarchitektur, Beratung (m/w/d) Vollzeitbeschäftigung unbefristet Entgeltgruppe 13 TV- L FU (zzgl. IT- Fachkräftezulage) Kennung: FUB- ITLSFWEBDS2024- 01 Die im [...] des Handlungsfelds DLE unterstützt. Konkret handelt es sich um folgende Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Applikationsmanagement von webbasierten Systemen mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Bereich DLE (z. B. LMS, E- EXAM, Wikis etc. ) , deren Weiterentwicklung und die Implementierung von aktuellen und künftigen Systemarchitekturen. Software- und Produktentwicklung im Rahmen von DLE unter Berücksichtigung von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten (z. B. Open Source, Skalierbarkeit, Verstetigung, Adäquatheitsprüfung von Prozessschritten und [...] Informationsarchitekturen und- Infrastrukturen, Datenbank- Lösungen (z. B. MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL) und Datenmodellierung und- integration (z. B. Schnittstellen) , gängige Lernumgebungen (z. B. Blackboard, Moodle, Sakai) ; Programmiersprachen (z. B. Java, Python, PHP, etc. ) , im Umgang mit Entwicklungswerkzeugen (IDEs, Deployment- Tools, Maven, Node, etc. ) und Markup- Standards (z. B. XML- Schema, JSON) . Gute Kenntnisse einschlägiger rechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen im [...]
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Stellenangebote Software Deployment Specialist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse JobMESH

Stellenangebote Software Deployment Specialist Jobs bei JobMESH

Stellenangebot Software Deployment Specialist Job bei Net Cologne IT Services GmbH Neu Job vor 8 Std. gefunden Net Cologne IT Services GmbH Software Packager (m/f/d) in Application Deployment North Rhine- Westphalia Homeoffice möglich
MEHRSoftware packager (m/f/d) in application deployment Permanent position, full- time- Cologne Your tasks You package and distribute software products using modern scripting languages You work with [...] the central contact person (m/f/d) for the introduction of new software products You carry out functional tests of new software packages You create associated documentation and develop it further Your profile You have successfully completed an apprenticeship as an IT specialist (or comparable) or an IT degree You have experience of working in a ticket system You can create software packages [...]
Stellenangebot Software Deployment Specialist Job bei FLUX- GERÄTE GMBH Job vor 11 Tagen gefunden FLUX- GERÄTE GMBH

IT Specialist (m/f/d)

Baden- Württemberg
MEHRIT specialist (m/f/d) FLUX- GERÄTE GMBH- Maulbronn- Full- time You too can move the future With us, you will not only be [...] for the safe handling of challenging liquids. Worldwide. Your tasks First point of contact: Supporting users in problem situations via telephone, e- mail or ticket system. Incident management: Pre- qualification and resolution of incidents using a knowledge base. Device and software management: Deployment and administration of Windows clients, smartphones, printers and applications (e. g. Office 365, Intune) . User management: creation and maintenance [...]
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Stellenangebote Software Deployment Specialist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Jobleads

Stellenangebote Software Deployment Specialist Jobs bei Jobleads

Job vom 04.02.2025 Leitung der Gruppe C1 IT- Methoden und Governance (w/m/d) Wiesbaden, Hessen Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen
MEHR[...] provider in Germany. Group C1 IT Methods and Governance is responsible for the corporate and statistical production- related business architecture as well as data, metadata and operational quality management. It is also responsible for digital tools and the testing of software options, artificial intelligence, machine learning and imputation processes as well as information security. The group is responsible for topics such [...] intelligence in official statistics. In this way, the group contributes to the modern development of official statistics. You will manage around 60 employees at the Wiesbaden and Bonn locations. You will be based in Wiesbaden; flexibility with regard to daily deployment at the Bonn location is expected. Your tasks are: Further development of enterprise architecture management with a focus on statistics [...] We expect a committed and responsible leader with the following personal and professional expertise: Several years of experience in the management of units and/ or other organizational units above subject areas or in the management of project groups or larger specialist working groups and interdisciplinary work Very good understanding of statistical production and its concept of quality Experience in the scientific [...]
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Stellenangebote Software Deployment Specialist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse StepStone

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Stellenangebot Software Deployment Specialist Job bei valantic Software Technology Innovations GmbH Job vor 12 Tagen gefunden valantic Software Technology Innovations GmbH

Cloud Specialist Managed Service

Eschborn (bei Frankfurt) Beratungs-/ Consultingtätigkeiten Homeoffice möglich Abgeschlossenes Studium Abgeschlossene Ausbildung Flexible Arbeitszeiten 30+ Urlaubstage
MEHRDie valantic Software Technology Innovations GmbH mit Hauptsitz in Eschborn bei Frankfurt am Main ist ein Beratungs- und Software- Entwicklungsunternehmen mit den Schwerpunkten [...] Du hast Lust auf Automatisierung von Infrastruktur und CI/ CD Pipeplines? Große Systeme schrecken dich nicht ab, sondern du fragst dich, wie man diese noch besser überwachen und betreiben kann? Dann bist du bei valantic STI genau richtig Als Cloud Specialist Managed Service übernimmst du mit dem Team Verantwortung für den Betrieb von großen Cloud Systemen und sorgst für Hochverfügbarkeit, Automatisierung [...] den Kunden bei der Weiterentwicklung der Systeme Du behältst im Falle von Incidents einen kühlen Kopf und löst diese selbstständig. Anschließend entwickelst du Vorschläge, wie diese in Zukunft nicht mehr auftreten. Die Systemadministration von Linux- Umgebungen und Datenbanken Für das Deployment und den Betrieb bevorzugst du Container- Services oder Kubernetes Du hast ein abgeschlossenes Studium eines MINT- Faches, eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung [...]
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Stellenangebot Software Deployment Specialist Job bei GEA Group Job vom 16.03.2025 GEA Group Manager Occupational Health and Safety (f/m/d/ x) Düsseldorf Homeoffice möglich Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] and beverages to life- saving medicines, GEA makes it possible. We also help our customers reduce CO2 emissions, protect water, and reduce and recycle waste. We are looking for experienced and motivated Manager Occupational Health and Safety (f/m/d/ x) for deployment in Düsseldorf as soon as possible. Your tasks: Introduction and auditing of global OHS- Standards and Processes Provide global consultancy [...] and roll out of a range of OHS training development programs. Personally deliver elements of training programs. Communications establish opportunities for OHS staff throughout the legal entities to link together and support each other via conferences, learning opportunities, joint projects, specialist forums, intranet information pages etc. Consult with regards to the implementation of our Integrated Management System for Quality, Health, Safety, Environment with a special focus on Health Safety and ISO 45001 requirements. Support the international roll- out of software systems to digitalize OHS processes Take ownership for successful delivery of global OHS projects Investigate systems failures and issues and [...]
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Stellenangebot Software Deployment Specialist Job bei PD- Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbH Job vom 02.03.2025 PD- Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbH

Senior/ Lead Specialist (w/m/d) im Bereich Softwareentwicklung mit Schwerpunkt Dev Ops

Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Nürnberg, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Beratungs-/ Consultingtätigkeiten Teilzeit Homeoffice möglich Flexible Arbeitszeiten Betriebliche Altersvorsorge 30+ Urlaubstage
MEHR[...] Expert:innen der öffentlichen Hand auf Bundes- , Landes- und Kommunalebene Softwarelösungen über den gesamten Lebenszyklus von öffentlichen Daten hinweg. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung Zur Verstärkung unseres interdisziplinären Beraterteams im Geschäftsbereich Strategische Verwaltungsmodernisierung suchen wir Sie als Senior/ Lead Specialist (w/m/d) im Bereich Softwareentwicklung mit Schwerpunkt Dev Ops für den in 2020 geplanten Standort Berlin. Als Senior/ Lead Specialist (w/m/d) [...] Sie eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Umsetzung anspruchsvoller Softwareprojekte im Bereich Data Science und Machine Learning. Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehören u. a. : Unterstützung bei der Konzeption und Umsetzung von Softwareprojekten Beratung der öffentlichen Hand in Fragen rund um das Thema Software- Entwicklung,- Architektur und- Deployment Entwicklung und Implementierung von Softwareprojekten im Bereich Data Science und Machine Learning Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit an Softwareprojekten, hauptsächlich im Bereich Machine [...]
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Stellenangebot Software Deployment Specialist Job bei Atruvia AG Job vom 21.02.2025 Atruvia AG Solution Architekt Business Services (m/w/d) (COSBSS) Karlsruhe, Münster, Berlin, Aschheim, Frankfurt am Main Teilzeit Homeoffice möglich Abgeschlossenes Studium Betriebliche Altersvorsorge Sabbaticals 30+ Urlaubstage Arbeitszeitkonto Vermögenswirksame Leistungen Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] Stärken einer Low- Code- Plattform (vorwiegend MENDIX) , bist aber auch flexibel, um weitere Lösungen aus einer Public oder Private Cloud zum Einsatz zu bringen. Für die Konzeption der Lösungsarchitektur versteht Du Technologien wie Container- Technologien, Continuous Integration und Continuous Deployment, Microservices und fokussierst auf die Entwicklung übergreifender Datenmodelle. Du berätst Stakeholder zu den Einsatzmöglichkeiten unserer Lösungen im Bereich Business Services [...] (Wirtschafts- ) Informatik oder einer ähnlichen Fachrichtung sowie langjährige einschlägige Berufserfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung und im Bereich Dev Sec Ops oder vergleichbare Qualifikation sowie Erfahrung in der Leitung von fachübergreifenden (Teil- ) Projekten. Du hast ein fundiertes Know- how im Software Development Lifecycle und erste Erfahrungen im Bereich IT- Sicherheit, einschließlich Sicherheitsverfahren, Standards und Prozesse. Du verfügst über sehr gute Kenntnisse [...] Weiterempfehlungsquote von 90. Gehaltsrahmen und Karrierelevel Das Jahresgehalt fur diese Position liegt bei einer 38- Stunden- Woche je nach entsprechender Erfahrung und Qualifikation zwischen 76. 000 und 109. 000 und zahlt auf unser Karrieremodell wie folgt ein: Karrierelevel: Associate Professional Specialist Senior Specialist Principal Executive Bitte nutze für deine Bewerbung ausschließlich unser Bewerbungsportal. Wir freuen uns auf dich. Bewirb dich jetzt [...]
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Stellenangebote Software Deployment Specialist Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse JobMESH

Weitere Stellenangebote Software Deployment Specialist bei JobMESH

Stellenangebot Software Deployment Specialist Job bei Schleupen SE Job vor 8 Tagen gefunden Schleupen SE

IT- Administrator (m/w/d)

North Rhine- Westphalia Homeoffice möglich
MEHR[...] initiate measures to improve and stabilize performance You develop and operate our virtualization infrastructure with a focus on VMware and Hyper- V You are jointly responsible for the technical onboarding and offboarding of colleagues as well as for hardware and software support for employees What you bring with you Training as an IT specialist in the field of system integration, a computer science degree or comparable qualification Several years of relevant professional experience Very [...] an advantage You work independently, contribute your own ideas and love to constantly optimize processes, systems and your work area Knowledge of process automation using MS Power Shell is desirable Our technology methodology Dev Ops automation: Power Shell (CI/ CD, deployment, infrastructure management) Programming language: C # (. NET 4. 8 and. NET Core) Clean code Domain- driven design Unit testing: [...]
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Stellenangebot Software Deployment Specialist Job bei FLUX- GERÄTE GMBH Job vor 11 Tagen gefunden FLUX- GERÄTE GMBH IT Specialist (m/f/d) Baden- Württemberg
MEHRIT specialist (m/f/d) FLUX- GERÄTE GMBH- Maulbronn- Full- time You too can move the future With us, you will not only be [...] for the safe handling of challenging liquids. Worldwide. Your tasks First point of contact: Supporting users in problem situations via telephone, e- mail or ticket system. Incident management: Pre- qualification and resolution of incidents using a knowledge base. Device and software management: Deployment and administration of Windows clients, smartphones, printers and applications (e. g. Office 365, Intune) . User management: creation and maintenance [...]
Job vor 14 Tagen gefunden Init Group

Application Support Engineer (m/w/d) 3rd Level Support

Baden- Württemberg
MEHRApplication Support Engineer (m/f/d) 3rd Level Support Karlsruhe, INIT GmbH Your first insight: Your future colleagues from the current 13- strong team will be responsible for project management, 3rd level support and the deployment of our software solutions in the field of data analytics and automatic passenger counting. In addition to analyzing historical data from public transport [...] installations with our customers You will also independently implement smaller change requests as part of our customer projects You will be an important part of our agile team, which carries out complex error analyses in exchange with colleagues and other specialist departments in order to continuously improve the quality of our systems You can expect flat hierarchies, respectful interaction at eye [...]
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Job vom 10.03.2025 HAURATON GmbH Co. KG System Engineer/ System Administrator (m/w/d) Baden- Württemberg
MEHR[...] application for our customers and sell them all over the world. At the earliest possible date we are looking for a System Engineer/ System Administrator (m/f/d) Your tasks: Implementation, operation and further development of the Microsoft infrastructure solutions used (server, software deployment, Azure AD/ Entra ID, M365, mobile device management) Operation of the Vm Ware virtualization solution and Veeam Backup Management and optimization of the internal network systems (LAN, WLAN, VPN) Ensuring IT security Planning and implementing IT projects and security strategies Your profile: Completed training as an IT specialist in system integration or comparable qualification sound knowledge in the Entra ID/ Active Directory environment as well as in protection [...]
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Job vom 22.02.2025 Constaff GmbH

IT- Support/ First- Level- Support (m/w/d)

Baden- Württemberg
MEHR[...] on a daily basis: Independent processing of support cases and their documentation via our internal ticket system (helpdesk) Setting up new workstations, from hardware procurement to creating new accounts and configuring all components Installation, configuration and troubleshooting of hardware and software Support for larger IT projects, e. g. client rollout, IT relocations, etc. Creating guidelines for our internal knowledge base What you bring with you Completed training as an IT specialist for system integration, application development or comparable training Solution- oriented way of thinking and acting as well as a high degree of quality awareness Service mindset and self- motivation Ideally initial practical experience in IT support Very good written and spoken German skills Good knowledge of Microsoft products such as: Windows Server Microsoft Exchange Active Directory/ Entra ID Windows OS Deployment Ideally knowledge in: Power Shell Virtualization technology Network technology Linux distribution Does that sound like you? Then apply and become [...]
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Job vom 15.02.2025 ING Deutschland Platform Architect- Engineering SRE (w/m/d) Sabbaticals
MEHR[...] open. Sounds good? Then apply now with your CV, your team is looking forward to hearing from you. Your tasks We can rely on your blueprints in terms of IT: In terms of SRE, resilience and observability as well as software engineering, you will define our architecture standards and strategies holistically to make our applications and infrastructure not only highly available [...] the future. You will rely on teamwork at every step, help our SRE and platform teams to implement your concepts, improve our resilience together with the Dev Ops teams using well- architected reviews and connect with international colleagues from your specialist area. To ensure that everything runs as it should in SRE or software development with System Thinking, DDD and Bounded [...] understanding of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) principles and practices Experience with container platforms, such as Docker and Open Shift/ Kubernetes, as well as monitoring tools and techniques for system observability and proactive problem solving Familiar with microservices architecture and infrastructure deployment tools, e. g. Terraform, Ansible for configuration management Very good written and spoken German and English Look forward to numerous [...]
Job vom 03.02.2025 ING Deutschland

Platform Architect- Engineering SRE (w/m/d)

Berlin Sabbaticals
MEHR[...] open. Sounds good? Then apply now with your CV, your team is looking forward to hearing from you. Your tasks We can rely on your blueprints in terms of IT: In terms of SRE, resilience and observability as well as software engineering, you will define our architecture standards and strategies holistically to make our applications and infrastructure not only highly available [...] the future. You will rely on teamwork at every step, help our SRE and platform teams to implement your concepts, improve our resilience together with the Dev Ops teams using well- architected reviews and connect with international colleagues from your specialist area. To ensure that everything runs as it should in SRE or software development with System Thinking, DDD and Bounded [...] understanding of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) principles and practices Experience with container platforms, such as Docker and Open Shift/ Kubernetes, as well as monitoring tools and techniques for system observability and proactive problem solving Familiar with microservices architecture and infrastructure deployment tools, e. g. Terraform, Ansible for configuration management Very good written and spoken German and English Look forward to numerous [...]
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