Systems Biology Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote Systems Biology Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse StepStone

Stellenangebote Systems Biology Jobs bei StepStone

Job vor 8 Tagen gefunden Leibniz- Institut für Virologie (LIV)

Technikerin/ Anlagenmechanikerin (w/m/d) für Klima- und Lüftungstechnik bzw. Kältetechnik oder Technikerin (w/m/d) für Heizungs- , Lüftungs- , Sanitär- und Klimatechnik (HLSK)

• Hamburg Teilzeit Jobticket
MEHR[...] biomedizinische Grundlagen- und Therapieforschung und nimmt als Stiftung bürgerlichen Rechts und Mitglied der Leibniz- Gemeinschaft national und international eine Spitzenstellung ein. Das LIV ist auf dem Forschungscampus in Hamburg- Eppendorf in unmittelbarer Nähe des Universitätsklinikums sowie im Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) auf dem Forschungscampus Hamburg- Bahrenfeld angesiedelt. Die Forschungsgebäude des LIV auf dem Forschungscampus in Hamburg- Eppendorf beherbergen auf ca. [...]
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Stellenangebot Systems Biology Job bei Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum DKFZ Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum DKFZ Psychologist (PhD Position) for AI- Driven Cancer Prevention Campaigns • Heidelberg Teilzeit Homeoffice möglich Jobticket
MEHR[...] The main goal of the division is the development of robust and interpretable digital tools to improve prevention, non- invasive early detection, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches. A 20- member, almost fully externally funded team from the fields of medicine, molecular biology and informatics/ data science focuses on identifying relevant patterns in patient data and increasing the explainability and robustness of deep learning- based classifications. We see software systems as part of clinical teams for more efficient patient care and at the same time as a tool for effective [...]
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Stellenangebote Systems Biology Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse

Stellenangebote Systems Biology Jobs bei

Job vom 17.12.2024 Universitätsklinikum Münster

Postdoctoral Researcher (gn) European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI)

• Ladbergen Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] super- resolution microscopy. We are interested in how receptors sense the environment and respond generating selective responses. We will focus on an undervalued receptor family, plexins. These receptors are involved in neuronal development, but also in shaping the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems and kidney. Further, plexins regulate immune responses and cancer, thus becoming an attractive drug target. The 2- year position is funded by an Emmy Noether DFG grant and aims to combine single- molecule localization methods and cell biology to decipher the stoichiometry and dynamics of plexin receptors in living cells, the role of ligand binding and ligand- independent [...]
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Job vom 17.12.2024 Universitätsklinikum Münster Postdoctoral Researcher (gn) European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI) • Münster Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] super- resolution microscopy. We are interested in how receptors sense the environment and respond generating selective responses. We will focus on an undervalued receptor family, plexins. These receptors are involved in neuronal development, but also in shaping the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems and kidney. Further, plexins regulate immune responses and cancer, thus becoming an attractive drug target. The 2- year position is funded by an Emmy Noether DFG grant and aims to combine single- molecule localization methods and cell biology to decipher the stoichiometry and dynamics of plexin receptors in living cells, the role of ligand binding and ligand- independent [...]
Job vom 17.12.2024 Universitätsklinikum Münster Postdoctoral Researcher (gn) European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI) • Nordwalde Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] super- resolution microscopy. We are interested in how receptors sense the environment and respond generating selective responses. We will focus on an undervalued receptor family, plexins. These receptors are involved in neuronal development, but also in shaping the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems and kidney. Further, plexins regulate immune responses and cancer, thus becoming an attractive drug target. The 2- year position is funded by an Emmy Noether DFG grant and aims to combine single- molecule localization methods and cell biology to decipher the stoichiometry and dynamics of plexin receptors in living cells, the role of ligand binding and ligand- independent [...]
Job vom 17.12.2024 Universitätsklinikum Münster Postdoctoral Researcher (gn) European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI) • Altenberge Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] super- resolution microscopy. We are interested in how receptors sense the environment and respond generating selective responses. We will focus on an undervalued receptor family, plexins. These receptors are involved in neuronal development, but also in shaping the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems and kidney. Further, plexins regulate immune responses and cancer, thus becoming an attractive drug target. The 2- year position is funded by an Emmy Noether DFG grant and aims to combine single- molecule localization methods and cell biology to decipher the stoichiometry and dynamics of plexin receptors in living cells, the role of ligand binding and ligand- independent [...]
Job vom 17.12.2024 Universitätsklinikum Münster Postdoctoral Researcher (gn) European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI) • Senden Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] super- resolution microscopy. We are interested in how receptors sense the environment and respond generating selective responses. We will focus on an undervalued receptor family, plexins. These receptors are involved in neuronal development, but also in shaping the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems and kidney. Further, plexins regulate immune responses and cancer, thus becoming an attractive drug target. The 2- year position is funded by an Emmy Noether DFG grant and aims to combine single- molecule localization methods and cell biology to decipher the stoichiometry and dynamics of plexin receptors in living cells, the role of ligand binding and ligand- independent [...]
Job vom 17.12.2024 Universitätsklinikum Münster Postdoctoral Researcher (gn) European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI) • Greven Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] super- resolution microscopy. We are interested in how receptors sense the environment and respond generating selective responses. We will focus on an undervalued receptor family, plexins. These receptors are involved in neuronal development, but also in shaping the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems and kidney. Further, plexins regulate immune responses and cancer, thus becoming an attractive drug target. The 2- year position is funded by an Emmy Noether DFG grant and aims to combine single- molecule localization methods and cell biology to decipher the stoichiometry and dynamics of plexin receptors in living cells, the role of ligand binding and ligand- independent [...]
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Stellenangebote Systems Biology Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Jobvector

Stellenangebote Systems Biology Jobs bei Jobvector

Stellenangebot Systems Biology Job bei Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)

PhD Student Psychology- Cancer Prevention Campaigns (m/f/d)

• Heidelberg Teilzeit Werkstudenten Jobticket
MEHR[...] The main goal of the division is the development of robust and interpretable digital tools to improve prevention, non- invasive early detection, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches. A 20- member, almost fully externally funded team from the fields of medicine, molecular biology and informatics/ data science focuses on identifying relevant patterns in patient data and increasing the explainability and robustness of deep learning- based classifications. We see software systems as part of clinical teams for more efficient patient care and at the same time as a tool for effective [...]
Stellenangebot Systems Biology Job bei Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Informatiker (f/m/x) • Heidelberg Teilzeit Jobticket
MEHR[...] The main goal of the division is the development of robust and interpretable digital tools to improve prevention, non- invasive early detection, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches. A 20- member, almost fully externally funded team from the fields of medicine, molecular biology and informatics/ data science focuses on identifying relevant patterns in patient data and increasing the explainability and robustness of deep learning- based classifications. We see software systems as part of clinical teams for more efficient patient care, and at the same time as a tool for effective [...]
Alle Informatiker/in Stellenangebote anzeigen
Stellenangebot Systems Biology Job bei Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)

PhD Student Data Science- Cancer Research (m/f/d)

• Heidelberg Teilzeit Werkstudenten Jobticket
MEHR[...] The main goal of the division is the development of robust and interpretable digital tools to improve prevention, non- invasive early detection, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches. A 20- member, almost fully externally funded team from the fields of medicine, molecular biology and informatics/ data science focuses on identifying relevant patterns in patient data and increasing the explainability and robustness of deep learning- based classifications. We see software systems as part of clinical teams for more efficient patient care, and at the same time as a tool for effective [...]
Stellenangebot Systems Biology Job bei Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Data Scientist (f/m/x) • Heidelberg Teilzeit Jobticket
MEHR[...] The main goal of the division is the development of robust and interpretable digital tools to improve prevention, non- invasive early detection, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches. A 20- member, almost fully externally funded team from the fields of medicine, molecular biology and informatics/ data science focuses on identifying relevant patterns in patient data and increasing the explainability and robustness of deep learning- based classifications. We see software systems as part of clinical teams for more efficient patient care, and at the same time as a tool for effective [...]
Alle Data Scientist Stellenangebote anzeigen
Stellenangebot Systems Biology Job bei Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)

communication scientist (f/m/x)

• Heidelberg Teilzeit Jobticket
MEHR[...] The main goal of the division is the development of robust and interpretable digital tools to improve prevention, non- invasive early detection, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches. A 20- member, almost fully externally funded team from the fields of medicine, molecular biology and informatics/ data science focuses on identifying relevant patterns in patient data and increasing the explainability and robustness of deep learning- based classifications. We see software systems as part of clinical teams for more efficient patient care and at the same time as a tool for effective [...]
Alle Communication Stellenangebote anzeigen
Stellenangebot Systems Biology Job bei Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Kommunikationswissenschaftler (f/m/x) • Heidelberg Teilzeit Jobticket
MEHR[...] The main goal of the division is the development of robust and interpretable digital tools to improve prevention, non- invasive early detection, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches. A 20- member, almost fully externally funded team from the fields of medicine, molecular biology and informatics/ data science focuses on identifying relevant patterns in patient data and increasing the explainability and robustness of deep learning- based classifications. We see software systems as part of clinical teams for more efficient patient care and at the same time as a tool for effective [...]
Stellenangebot Systems Biology Job bei Universitätsklinikum Münster Job vor 13 Tagen gefunden Universitätsklinikum Münster

Biochemist (f/m/x)

• Münster Teilzeit
MEHRPostdoc (gn ) Biochemistry, Chemistry, or Biology Part- time with 19. 25 hours/ week Salary according to TV- L E13 Job ID: 9962 This position is available [...] we aim to study the redox- relevant conformational changes of the integrin, also with optogenetic methods. The technology will be transferred from the protein- chemical level to the cellular level to study integrin regulation of cell adhesion. The preferred cell systems are fibroblast cell lines. The major focus is on collagen- and laminin- binding integrins. The daily language in the laboratory [...]
Alle Biochemist Stellenangebote anzeigen
Stellenangebot Systems Biology Job bei Universitätsklinikum Münster Job vor 13 Tagen gefunden Universitätsklinikum Münster PhD Student Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology (m/f/d) • Münster Teilzeit Werkstudenten
MEHR[...] Intelligent Matter: From Responsive to Adaptive Nanosystems at the University of Münster - ideally with you on board The project involves the development of Multistimuli sensing with memory and feedback function using photoswitchable proteins . We aim to develop molecular systems starting from photoswitchable proteins as well as model membranes and synthetic cells that can integrate multiple stimuli (different colors of [...] Science Degree (and no previous PhD degree) in Chemistry, Biochemistry or related fields Advanced level training in science and technology of relevance to the specific PhD position, including relevant laboratory experience Motivation to work at the interface of disciplines (Chemistry, Biology, Engineering and Physics) Communication and reporting skills, and interest for the promotion of science Exciting Projects Professional Development and Training [...]
Alle Biology Stellenangebote anzeigen
Stellenangebot Systems Biology Job bei Universitätsklinikum Münster Job vor 13 Tagen gefunden Universitätsklinikum Münster

Biochemiker (f/m/x)

• Münster Teilzeit
MEHRPostdoc (gn ) Biochemistry, Chemistry, or Biology Part- time with 19. 25 hours/ week Salary according to TV- L E13 Job ID: 9962 This position is available [...] we aim to study the redox- relevant conformational changes of the integrin, also with optogenetic methods. The technology will be transferred from the protein- chemical level to the cellular level to study integrin regulation of cell adhesion. The preferred cell systems are fibroblast cell lines. The major focus is on collagen- and laminin- binding integrins. The daily language in the laboratory [...]
Alle Biochemiker/in Stellenangebote anzeigen
Job vor 13 Tagen gefunden Universitätsklinikum Münster Post Doc Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry (m/f/d) • Münster Teilzeit
MEHRPostdoc (gn ) Biochemistry, Chemistry, or Biology Part- time with 19. 25 hours/ week Salary according to TV- L E13 Job ID: 9962 This position is available [...] we aim to study the redox- relevant conformational changes of the integrin, also with optogenetic methods. The technology will be transferred from the protein- chemical level to the cellular level to study integrin regulation of cell adhesion. The preferred cell systems are fibroblast cell lines. The major focus is on collagen- and laminin- binding integrins. The daily language in the laboratory [...]
Alle Chemistry Stellenangebote anzeigen
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