Unit Supervisor Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote Unit Supervisor Jobs bei Neuvoo.com

Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Universit du Luxembourg

Doctoral researcher (PhD) in European Law

MEHR[...] doctoral thesis in field of Single Market Law including cross- border interdependencies and/ or the implementation and enforcement of the relevant EU rules at the national, Luxembourg level. The PhD will be conducted in the context of the Doctoral Training Unit Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (GREITMA) ( https:/ / ) . The doctoral candidate will benefit from [...] as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs How to apply Applications should include: A letter of motivation outlining the research orientation the candidate wishes to pursue. The final research topic will be decided by common agreement between the candidate and the supervisor. The submission of a detailed (2- 3 p. ) description of a potential research topic is seen as an asset. [...]
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Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Universit du Luxembourg Doctoral researcher (PhD) in European Law Wallendorf
MEHR[...] doctoral thesis in field of Single Market Law including cross- border interdependencies and/ or the implementation and enforcement of the relevant EU rules at the national, Luxembourg level. The PhD will be conducted in the context of the Doctoral Training Unit Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (GREITMA) ( https:/ / ) . The doctoral candidate will benefit from [...] as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs How to apply Applications should include: A letter of motivation outlining the research orientation the candidate wishes to pursue. The final research topic will be decided by common agreement between the candidate and the supervisor. The submission of a detailed (2- 3 p. ) description of a potential research topic is seen as an asset. [...]
Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Universit du Luxembourg Doctoral researcher (PhD) in European Law Dahnen
MEHR[...] doctoral thesis in field of Single Market Law including cross- border interdependencies and/ or the implementation and enforcement of the relevant EU rules at the national, Luxembourg level. The PhD will be conducted in the context of the Doctoral Training Unit Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (GREITMA) ( https:/ / ) . The doctoral candidate will benefit from [...] as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs How to apply Applications should include: A letter of motivation outlining the research orientation the candidate wishes to pursue. The final research topic will be decided by common agreement between the candidate and the supervisor. The submission of a detailed (2- 3 p. ) description of a potential research topic is seen as an asset. [...]
Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Universit du Luxembourg Doctoral researcher (PhD) in European Law Kruchten
MEHR[...] doctoral thesis in field of Single Market Law including cross- border interdependencies and/ or the implementation and enforcement of the relevant EU rules at the national, Luxembourg level. The PhD will be conducted in the context of the Doctoral Training Unit Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (GREITMA) ( https:/ / ) . The doctoral candidate will benefit from [...] as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs How to apply Applications should include: A letter of motivation outlining the research orientation the candidate wishes to pursue. The final research topic will be decided by common agreement between the candidate and the supervisor. The submission of a detailed (2- 3 p. ) description of a potential research topic is seen as an asset. [...]
Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Universit du Luxembourg Doctoral researcher (PhD) in European Law Ernzen
MEHR[...] doctoral thesis in field of Single Market Law including cross- border interdependencies and/ or the implementation and enforcement of the relevant EU rules at the national, Luxembourg level. The PhD will be conducted in the context of the Doctoral Training Unit Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (GREITMA) ( https:/ / ) . The doctoral candidate will benefit from [...] as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs How to apply Applications should include: A letter of motivation outlining the research orientation the candidate wishes to pursue. The final research topic will be decided by common agreement between the candidate and the supervisor. The submission of a detailed (2- 3 p. ) description of a potential research topic is seen as an asset. [...]
Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Universit du Luxembourg Doctoral researcher (PhD) in European Law Bauler
MEHR[...] doctoral thesis in field of Single Market Law including cross- border interdependencies and/ or the implementation and enforcement of the relevant EU rules at the national, Luxembourg level. The PhD will be conducted in the context of the Doctoral Training Unit Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (GREITMA) ( https:/ / ) . The doctoral candidate will benefit from [...] as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs How to apply Applications should include: A letter of motivation outlining the research orientation the candidate wishes to pursue. The final research topic will be decided by common agreement between the candidate and the supervisor. The submission of a detailed (2- 3 p. ) description of a potential research topic is seen as an asset. [...]
Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Universit du Luxembourg Doctoral researcher (PhD) in European Law Gentingen
MEHR[...] doctoral thesis in field of Single Market Law including cross- border interdependencies and/ or the implementation and enforcement of the relevant EU rules at the national, Luxembourg level. The PhD will be conducted in the context of the Doctoral Training Unit Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (GREITMA) ( https:/ / ) . The doctoral candidate will benefit from [...] as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs How to apply Applications should include: A letter of motivation outlining the research orientation the candidate wishes to pursue. The final research topic will be decided by common agreement between the candidate and the supervisor. The submission of a detailed (2- 3 p. ) description of a potential research topic is seen as an asset. [...]
Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Universit du Luxembourg Doctoral researcher (PhD) in European Law Saarburg
MEHR[...] doctoral thesis in field of Single Market Law including cross- border interdependencies and/ or the implementation and enforcement of the relevant EU rules at the national, Luxembourg level. The PhD will be conducted in the context of the Doctoral Training Unit Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (GREITMA) ( https:/ / ) . The doctoral candidate will benefit from [...] as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs How to apply Applications should include: A letter of motivation outlining the research orientation the candidate wishes to pursue. The final research topic will be decided by common agreement between the candidate and the supervisor. The submission of a detailed (2- 3 p. ) description of a potential research topic is seen as an asset. [...]
Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Universit du Luxembourg Doctoral researcher (PhD) in European Law Daleiden
MEHR[...] doctoral thesis in field of Single Market Law including cross- border interdependencies and/ or the implementation and enforcement of the relevant EU rules at the national, Luxembourg level. The PhD will be conducted in the context of the Doctoral Training Unit Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (GREITMA) ( https:/ / ) . The doctoral candidate will benefit from [...] as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs How to apply Applications should include: A letter of motivation outlining the research orientation the candidate wishes to pursue. The final research topic will be decided by common agreement between the candidate and the supervisor. The submission of a detailed (2- 3 p. ) description of a potential research topic is seen as an asset. [...]
Job vor 9 Tagen gefunden Universit du Luxembourg Doctoral researcher (PhD) in European Law Roth an der Our
MEHR[...] doctoral thesis in field of Single Market Law including cross- border interdependencies and/ or the implementation and enforcement of the relevant EU rules at the national, Luxembourg level. The PhD will be conducted in the context of the Doctoral Training Unit Green and Digital Transitions in the Single Market (GREITMA) ( https:/ / ) . The doctoral candidate will benefit from [...] as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs How to apply Applications should include: A letter of motivation outlining the research orientation the candidate wishes to pursue. The final research topic will be decided by common agreement between the candidate and the supervisor. The submission of a detailed (2- 3 p. ) description of a potential research topic is seen as an asset. [...]
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Stellenangebote Unit Supervisor Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse StepStone

Stellenangebote Unit Supervisor Jobs bei StepStone

Job vom 10.03.2025 Kanadevia Inova Steinmüller GmbH

Site Manager (m/w/d) Waste incineration plants

Gummersbach Homeoffice möglich Abgeschlossenes Studium Betriebliche Altersvorsorge 30+ Urlaubstage
MEHR[...] Energiewende und die Kreislaufwirtschaft mit Fokus auf Waste- to- X (WtX) und Renewable- Gas (RG) . Ihren Hauptsitz hat sie in Zürich. Die Kanadevia Inova Steinmüller GmbH in Gummersbach bietet umfassendes Projektmanagement, Engineering, Beschaffung und Montageplanung. Als Teil der Business Unit Systems and Service Solutions unterstützt sie Kundenprojekte über den gesamten Lebenszyklus hinweg, insbesondere bei Losgrößen- und komplexen Umbauprojekten. Die Aufgabe [...] der Kosten, Materialbeschaffung, Mängelmanagement, Leistungsbewertung von Subunternehmern und abschließende Montageinspektionen Abgeschlossenes Ingenieurstudium (Bachelor/ Master) im Bereich Bauingenieurwesen, Maschinenbau, Verfahrenstechnik oder vergleichbare Qualifikation als Techniker/ Meister Mehrjährige fundierte Erfahrung im internationalen Baustellenmanagement für Kraftwerke (idealerweise Müllverbrennungsanlagen) oder vergleichbare Industrieanlagen als Bauleiter, Supervisor oder Inbetriebnahmeingenieur Erfahrung in der Koordination von Bau- und Montageverträgen, Vertragsmanagement sowie in der Überwachung von Bau- und Montagearbeiten, bevorzugt [...]
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Stellenangebot Unit Supervisor Job bei Holiday Inn- the niu, Timber Esslingen Job vom 02.03.2025 Holiday Inn- the niu, Timber Esslingen Supervisor Reservierung- Der Gästemeister für unsere Business Unit Raum Stuttgart Esslingen Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen
MEHR[...] sich durch ihr individuelles Neighbourhood- Konzept aus. Das Hotelerlebnis wird einzigartig durch eine Living Lobby und Bistro. Anstellungsart: Vollzeit Als unser Gästemeister bist Du erster Ansprechpartner für den Bereich Reservierung, sowohl für Individual- als auch für Gruppenreservierungen, innerhalb einer Business Unit und übernimmst die Verantwortung für die fachliche Leitung der Reservierungsmitarbeitenden. Die Prozessverantwortung liegt ebenfalls in Deinen Händen, indem Du Abläufe [...] Bewerben- Button. Die Stellenbezeichnung meint nicht die männliche Variante, sondern steht für die geschlechtsneutrale Bezeichnung des Berufs. Willkommen sind Menschen egal welchen Geschlechts, welcher Herkunft, sexuellen Orientierung und Religion. . Holiday Inn- the niu, Timber Esslingen sucht in Esslingen eine/n Supervisor Reservierung- Der Gästemeister für unsere Business Unit Raum Stuttgart (ID- Nummer: 11166336) . hogabackfill 36877886 [...]
Job vom 14.02.2025 Gardner Denver Thomas GmbH

Supervisor Production (m/w/d)

Memmingen Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Betriebliche Altersvorsorge 30+ Urlaubstage Work-Life-Balance
MEHRDie Gardner Denver Thomas GmbH gehört zur Life Science Technologies Unit des weltweit agierenden Ingersoll Rand Konzerns. Sie entwickelt und produziert Pumpen, Kompressoren und Systeme für internationale Kunden im OEM- Geschäft. Der Vertrieb erfolgt über die globale Vertriebsorganisation. Die Produkte findet man in der Medizin- , Automobil- und Umwelttechnik sowie überall dort, wo Gase und Flüssigkeiten gefördert werden. Wir suchen ab sofort für unseren Produktionsstandort in Memmingen einen Supervisor Production (m/w/d) Unbefristet in Vollzeit Fach- und Führungsverantwortung für den zugewiesenen Zuständigkeitsbereich; Dazu gehört u. a. das Anleiten und Unterweisen [...]
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Jobs aus praktischArzt.de

Stellenangebote Unit Supervisor Jobs bei praktischArzt.de

Job vom 26.02.2025 Main- Kinzig- Kliniken gGmbH Oberarzt (m/w/d) Akutstation mit Schwerpunkt Abhängigkeitserkrankung Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie in Schlüchtern, Voll- oder Teilzeit 36381, Schlüchtern, Deutschland Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen Teilzeit Übertarifliche Vergütung
MEHR[...] und ambulant) Qualifizierte Alkoholentzugsbehandlungen über 15 Tage mit strukturiertem Therapieangebot Entzugsbehandlungen von illegalen Drogen, Opioiden und Cannabis ambulant, teilstationär und stationär Stabile Vernetzung mit dem ambulanten Suchthilfesystem im Versorgungsgebiet Projekte zur Weiterentwicklung des Behandlungs- und Oberarztteam Regelmäßige Teamsupervision durch externen Supervisor Mitgestaltung der Aus- und Weiterbildung im ärztlichen und nicht- ärztlichen Bereich Mentoring in der Führungsrolle Regelmäßige Führungsseminare und Supervision im [...] umfassende Versorgung der Menschen im Main- Kinzig- Kreis sicherzustellen, wurden in den vergangenen Jahren die fachlichen Angebote in Gelnhausen und Schlüchtern stetig ausgebaut. Insgesamt stehen nun 15 Fachabteilungen mit über 700 Betten, darunter 35 tagesklinische Plätze, eine Schlaganfall- Einheit (Stroke Unit) , ein hochmodernes Herzkatheterlabor sowie vier interdisziplinäre Spezialzentren (Brust- , Darm- , Diabetes- und Perinatalzentrum Level 2) zur Verfügung. Die [...]
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Stellenangebote Unit Supervisor Jobs bei Neuvoo

Job vom 04.02.2025 Jobleads

Vacancy for Head of the Archives Unit at the International Atomic Energy Agency

Wien Stadt, Vienna, Austria
MEHRVacancy for Head of the Archives Unit at the International Atomic Energy Agency 3 November 2023 Net base salary starting at US 64121 Fixed Term Organizational Setting [...] supporting IAEA business functions and activities for as long as they are required. The Section is divided into three Units: Digital and Mail Services, Records and the Archives Unit. About the role The Head of the Archives Unit is: (1) supervisor of the Archives Unit, planning and managing the activities of the Unit to ensure delivery of effective and efficient archival [...]
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