University Professor Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote University Professor Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse

Stellenangebote University Professor Jobs bei

Stellenangebot University Professor Job bei Universität Passau Job vor 6 Tagen gefunden Universität Passau

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/ Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Mathematical Data Science- englische Fassung

• Passau
MEHRThe University of Passau owes its strong visibility and good repute to excellent research, innovative teaching and its tight- knit international academic [...] and a vibrant start- up scene, coupled with a rich culture and Lower Bavarian traditions, give Passau and the surrounding area a special appeal that makes it a great place to live and work. The Chair of Mathematical Data Science (Professor Daniel Rudolf) at the University of Passau invites applications for the position of Postdoctoral Researcher to start on or after [...]
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Stellenangebot University Professor Job bei SRH Holding Job vor 10 Tagen gefunden SRH Holding Professor für Logopädie/ Sprachtherapie w m d • Düsseldorf Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] Einschlägige Erfahrungen in der Hochschullehre Flexibilität, Team und Kommunikationsfähigkeit Wir bieten: Work- Life- Balance Ausgeglichene Work- Life- Balance durch mobiles Arbeiten und großzügiger sowie flexibler Arbeitszeitrahmen Mobilität Business Bike, Zuschuss zum Deutschlandticket Weiterentwicklung Coaching Pool, Elternkompass, Studienrabatt an der Mobile University und Mitarbeitendengespräche Sparangebot Corporate Benefits: Rabatt- Shop nur für Mitarbeitende Ausstattung Moderne Büro- und Seminarausstattung Sicherheit Betriebliche Altersversorgung und Wertkonto [...]
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Stellenangebot University Professor Job bei Universität Passau Job vor 10 Tagen gefunden Universität Passau

(Post- ) Doctoral Researcher and Lecturer (1. 0 FTE/ 0. 75 FTE)

• Passau
MEHRThe University of Passau owes its strong visibility and good repute to excellent research, innovative teaching and its tight- knit international academic [...] culture and Lower Bavarian traditions, give Passau and the surrounding area a special appeal that makes it a great place to live and work. The Chair of Political Communication with a Focus on Eastern Europe and the Post- Soviet Region (Professor Florian Toepfl) invites applications for the position of (Post- ) Doctoral Researcher and Lecturer (1. 0 FTE/ 0. 75 FTE) [...]
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Stellenangebot University Professor Job bei SRH Holding Job vor 10 Tagen gefunden SRH Holding Pädagogische Fachkraft als Professor Logopädie/ Logopäde w m d • Düsseldorf Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] Einschlägige Erfahrungen in der Hochschullehre Flexibilität, Team und Kommunikationsfähigkeit Wir bieten: Work- Life- Balance Ausgeglichene Work- Life- Balance durch mobiles Arbeiten und großzügiger sowie flexibler Arbeitszeitrahmen Mobilität Business Bike, Zuschuss zum Deutschlandticket Weiterentwicklung Coaching Pool, Elternkompass, Studienrabatt an der Mobile University und Mitarbeitendengespräche Sparangebot Corporate Benefits: Rabatt- Shop nur für Mitarbeitende Ausstattung Moderne Büro- und Seminarausstattung Sicherheit Betriebliche Altersversorgung und Wertkonto [...]
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Job vor 12 Tagen gefunden Constructor University Bremen gGmbH

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Modern Electrical Engineering) (m/fd)

• Bremen Work-Life-Balance
MEHRConstructor University (formerly Jacobs University) is a private, state- accredited, English- language university in Bremen. We offer Bachelor, Master, and PhD programs [...] over 1, 600 students from 110 nations live and study on our residential campus. The university is currently driving an ambitious expansion of the School of Computer Science and Engineering. In this context, a new academic position at the Assistant Professor level (tenure- track) has been opened. Accordingly, Constructor University invites applications from interested candidates for the following position, to be [...]
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Stellenangebot University Professor Job bei Universität Passau Job vor 13 Tagen gefunden Universität Passau Chair of Information Systems with a focus on Information System Management (pay grade W3) • Passau
MEHRThe University of Passau owes its strong visibility and good repute to excellent research, innovative teaching and its tight- knit international academic [...] possess the German formal postdoctoral habilitation qualification or an equivalent body of academic achievements garnered whilst employed at an institution of higher education, for instance as a juniorprofessor or in a comparable position with a different title (e. g. assistant professor or lecturer) , insofar as the duties and qualification profile correspond to those of a juniorprofessor position, or by leading [...]
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Stellenangebot University Professor Job bei Universität Passau Job vom 07.01.2025 Universität Passau

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/ Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik mit Schwerpunkt Internet- und Telekommunikationswirtschaft- englische Fassung

• Passau
MEHRThe University of Passau owes its strong visibility and good repute to excellent research, innovative teaching and its tight- knit international academic [...] companies and a vibrant start- up scene, coupled with a rich culture and Lower Bavarian traditions, give Passau and the surrounding area a special appeal that makes it a great place to live and work. The Chair of Internet Business (Professor Jan Krämer) invites applications for the position of Doctoral Researcher (doctoral candidate) to start at the earliest convenience. This is [...]
Job vom 07.01.2025 Constructor University Bremen gGmbH Assistant Professor of Computer Science (Data Science and Machine Learning) (m/f/d) • Bremen Work-Life-Balance
MEHRConstructor University (formerly Jacobs University) is a private, state- accredited, English- language university in Bremen. We offer Bachelor, Master, and PhD programs [...] steps to complete your application. Apply The offered position is tenure track, with review of performance after a first contract of three and a second contract after another three years. Successful evaluation leads to permanence and typically promotion to associate professor level. The review of applications will begin immediately. Please note that only applications submitted through the official application portal will [...]
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Stellenangebote University Professor Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Jobvector

Stellenangebote University Professor Jobs bei Jobvector

Job vom 15.01.2025 Friedrich- Schiller- Universität Jena

Postdoc Chemistry (m/f/d)

• Jena
MEHRFriedrich Schiller University is a traditional University with a strong research profile based in the heart of Germany. As a University covering all [...] position (100 , 40 hours per week, salary group E 13 TV- L) based on a fixed- term contract initially limited until 30. 11. 2026. The successful candidate will join a highly motivated and interdisciplinary experimental research group led by Professor Andrey Turchanin ( The group focuses on physical, chemical, and materials science aspects related to the nanoscience and nanotechnology of [...]
Job vom 15.01.2025 Friedrich- Schiller- Universität Jena Chemist (f/m/x) • Jena
MEHRFriedrich Schiller University is a traditional University with a strong research profile based in the heart of Germany. As a University covering all [...] position (100 , 40 hours per week, salary group E 13 TV- L) based on a fixed- term contract initially limited until 30. 11. 2026. The successful candidate will join a highly motivated and interdisciplinary experimental research group led by Professor Andrey Turchanin ( The group focuses on physical, chemical, and materials science aspects related to the nanoscience and nanotechnology of [...]
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Job vom 15.01.2025 Friedrich- Schiller- Universität Jena

Chemiker (f/m/x)

• Jena
MEHRFriedrich Schiller University is a traditional University with a strong research profile based in the heart of Germany. As a University covering all [...] position (100 , 40 hours per week, salary group E 13 TV- L) based on a fixed- term contract initially limited until 30. 11. 2026. The successful candidate will join a highly motivated and interdisciplinary experimental research group led by Professor Andrey Turchanin ( The group focuses on physical, chemical, and materials science aspects related to the nanoscience and nanotechnology of [...]
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Stellenangebote University Professor Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Jobleads

Stellenangebote University Professor Jobs bei Jobleads

Neu Job vor 10 Std. gefunden TUI Reiseleitung (w/m/d) Arbeiten im Ausland • Halle (Saale) , Sachsen- Anhalt
MEHRNorfolk State University invites applications for a tenure- track position at the Assistant/ Associate Professor rank in The Ethelyn R. Strong School of Social Work. Duties include teaching across the BSw/mSW curriculum with a generalist [...]
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Job vom 30.08.2024

Chief Operating Officer (Managing Partner; f/m/d)

• Berlin Führungs-/ Leitungspositionen
MEHR[...] scientific advisory board has been established to guarantee the quality of the empirical study execution: Psychological methodology : Prof. Dr. Meike Watzlawik (see above) ; Neuroscientific methodology : Prof. Dr. Peter Walla PD, biologist, post- docs in medicine and psychology, professor of neuroscience, head of brain research laboratory, and consultant for neuro- projects; Statistical methodology : Ass.- Prof. Dr. Jan Aden, [...] in Berlin with the objective of enhancing individuals performance, well- being, and disease prevention through the administration of neurological nutraceuticals/ nutritional supplements (nootropics) . One of the market leaders recently demonstrated the efficacy of the concept in collaboration with the University of Leeds ( ) . I have developed a range of product formulas, combining top- down (neuroscientific) and bottom- up [...]
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Stellenangebote University Professor Jobs bei StepStone

Stellenangebot University Professor Job bei SRH University Neu Job vor 10 Std. gefunden SRH University Professor Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Fachrichtung Maschinenbau (international) w/m/d • Heidelberg Homeoffice möglich Abgeschlossenes Studium Jobticket Work-Life-Balance
MEHRAls eine der größten privaten Hochschulen in Deutschland ist die SRH University der innovative Wegbegleiter für Studierende aus über 140 Nationen. Wir sind Teil des führenden Bildungs- und Gesundheits anbieters SRH, der [...] gehören zur SRH einem führenden Anbieter von Bildungs- und Gesundheitsdienst leistungen mit 17. 000 Mitarbeitern. Die SRH betreibt private Hochschulen, Bildungszentren, Schulen und Krankenhäuser. Zur Verstärkung unserer Fakultät School of Technology and Architecture suchen wir zum 01. 09. 2025 einen Professor Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Fachrichtung Maschinenbau (international) w/m/d (Gehalt in Anlehnung an W1 Professur in Baden Württemberg) in Vollzeit. Die Stelle ist zunächst [...]
Stellenangebot University Professor Job bei Schneider Electric GmbH Neu Job vor 10 Std. gefunden Schneider Electric GmbH

Werkstudent Employer Branding- University Relations (w/m/d)

• Berlin, Düsseldorf Teilzeit Homeoffice möglich Werkstudenten
MEHRWas? Werkstudium im Bereich Employer Branding- University Relations für 20h/ Woche Wo? Berlin/ Düsseldorf. Wann? Ab sofort für mind. 12 Monate Wer Deine Unterstützung sucht ? Gabriele, [...] entwickelst du vielfältige Konzepte und Kampagnen und unterstützt bei der Organisation nationaler Veranstaltungen sowie globaler Angebote. Du unterstützt Dein Team bei der Beziehung zu Universitäten und Hochschulen . Du willst als begeisterte:r Influencer unserer Marke und unsere Werte bei Studierende, Professor:innen und Partner teilen, Marktanalysen beobachten und Kampagnen erarbeiten. Du produzierst ansprechende Inhalte für unsere Brandingkanäle wie Social Media, Newsletter und [...]
Stellenangebot University Professor Job bei DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH Job vor 12 Tagen gefunden DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH PhD Student Wireless Communication for Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles (m/f/d) • Wegberg bei Aachen Homeoffice möglich Werkstudenten Work-Life-Balance
MEHR[...] near Aachen Attractive remuneration: 13 monthly salaries, Givve card topped up with 50 each month and optional allowances Work- Life balance: 30 days of vacation and a flextime model for flexible working hours Home office: Possibility to work from home University contact: Frequent visit to supervising professor will be supported Development: Wide range of trainings and education opportunities Employee benefits: Attractive leasing offers, additional private health insurance, [...]
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Wieviel verdient man als University Professor pro Jahr?
Als University Professor verdient man zwischen EUR 60.000,- bis EUR 100.000,-.

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Dauer: 0,5531 s., Vers. V.2025-a-2004-Ind