Urban Geographer Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote Urban Geographer Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Jobleads

Stellenangebote Urban Geographer Jobs bei Jobleads

Job vom 26.09.2024

Vice- Chancellor

• Bochum, Nordrhein- Westfalen
MEHR[...] and one post- doctoral fellow. Prof. Singh has worked as a Research Associate at the Institute of Geography and Institute for Development Research and Development Policy at Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany for one year in a joint research project titled Urban fringe study of Indian and German cities sponsored by DAAD. He has conducted extensive field survey in different parts of [...] with several awards such as distinguished citizen award by Yuva Chetna Samiti, Gorakhpur and State award for excellent working as coordinator of National Service Scheme by Dept. of Higher Education, U. P. Government. He has been awarded with the best Geographer award by Deccan Geographical Society of India, Pune in 2014 for lasting contributions in domain of Geography and for able [...]
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