Rope Access Technician Stellenangebote

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Stellenangebote Rope Access Technician Jobs gefunden bei Jobbörse Neuvoo

Stellenangebote Rope Access Technician Jobs bei Neuvoo

Stellenangebot Rope Access Technician Job bei GMA group Job vom 16.12.2024 GMA group

Non- destructive testing inspector according to DIN EN ISO 9712/ 4179/ ASNT (m/w/d)

• Stade, Lower Saxony
MEHR[...] materials, for UT (Ultrasonic Inspection) level 2, UTPA (UT Phased Array) , MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection) , VT (Visual Testing) or ECT (Eddy Current Testing) Preferably: TOFD (Time of Flight Diffraction) , TFM (Total Focusing Method) , and/ or skilled technician on rotor blades with NDT background with corresponding several years of practical experience also as a team lead Knowledge of [...] the field of demanding material testing and quality assurance measures. For over 35 years, GMA has been represented throughout Germany with more than 300 employees. With a wide range of innovative destructive and non- destructive tests, sample preparation, industrial measurement, rope access and advanced testing techniques, GMA can offer everything from a single source within the scope of acceptance, incoming goods, quality [...]
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Dauer: 0,1922 s., Vers. V.2025-a-2004-Ind